Frankly speaking..... On being too busy and writers block
SO, you might have noticed that I've been pretty quiet around here lately. There's a good reason for that. Once I figure out what it is, I'll write about it, but in the meantime, I'm having a few observations...
Wench works better under pressure. If she has three days to get something done, she'll obsess about it for two and do it all on the third day. She makes lists and all that good stuff but still, when she is under "the gun" so to speak, she acts. One thing that this does not apply to is hotel reservations. She does make those in advance - sometimes so far in advance she can't remember where she is supposed to be, but, that's another blog post for another day..
When wench gets an idea in her head, watch out. The mission this week has been to change vehicles around (AGAIN) in an effort to get me to go to SAFF next year. She is always trying to get me to go to this show. I don't get it. I am almost nine years old and I've never gone anywhere (well, once I went to the vet for a little problem) so why start now? Apparently there is a goat show there and wench thinks we might be 'competitive' HELLO? of course we're competitive, but really - must I go there? I mean, I am perfectly happy here on my mountain, growing my fleece for your enjoyment. I have majesty after all, and don't DO shows:
How much more majestic can a goat be?
So, anyway, back when wench bought the first Honda Pilot, she talked to builder about getting a van instead of a car, in order to haul us around (and the rabbits) places. Builder did not want a van. He had a van before and didn't want it for the "family car". So, she got the Pilot and the poor thing has been used as a luxury pickup truck since. It is certainly a luxury vehicle. Did you know that you can fit 86 rabbits in a Honda Pilot?
Well, the time has come to do some more thinking on the whole van idea. Builder has pretty much seen the light (it helps that HIS personal vehicle is now a pickup truck in addition to the del Sol). He thinks that wench needs a cargo van for every day. Not exactly what she had in mind. She's thinking (and I agree, because, well, we just get along this way) that the Pilot should be traded back to a CR-v and then an older model van could be purchased as the goat/rabbit conveyance. Something that has a few years left, and then could become the redneck storage pod like the van that brought us here. So, that's the quest this week. We'll see if anything really happens. Wench is going to see the folks over at Flow Honda, who have been pretty good to us over the years, and see what can be done.
In other news, shearing is done, everyone except Nigel is nekkid, this years crop of kids went off to their new homes, except Warbux, who, if he doesn't get a home soon will be wethered, and another rabbit show season is under way.
We kicked the season off at Woodstock, VA and then rolled right into SAFF. Wench and Aunt June spent 5 days showcasing four breeds of angoras for the folks and the reception was warm and inviting. They are making plans for next year already. I'm hoping they don't include me in these plans, but, depending on the vehicle situation, it doesn't look promising - I might actually have to go. sigh.
Next up: Perry Georgia on November 19th - wench will visit with her sister, Pat and nephew Jim while there, After that, December 3rd at Richmond, VA where wench will visit with her other sister Pat and niece Laurie, and visit Yankee Candle (an annual tradition). Then there may be a local show in January, but, like I said, wench works better under pressure so those plans are not made yet.
I'm hoping my writers block will burst and I'll be back to updating you regularly. So much goes on here that it's hard to remember everything since the last time I posted. Maybe I need to start making lists about that, too. Honestly, though, since the technology changed up again (new i phone version, square space host instead of wordpress) it is a challenge to get photos up on this, and I know that's what you all live for, to see my pretty face. So, I'll be working on the IT department to get a little better at it and keep you updated, hopefully. Until then, thanks for reading Frankly speaking!