the dog daze of summer..
It seems to have been ages since I last posted on this blog. My bad. We have had so much going on around here, I have not had a MINUTE of peace to collect my thoughts.
As you know, we have a new dog. Well, we have a visiting LGD. Sunny is very sweet, sometimes wants to be playful with us; the kids like him, and we tolerate him. One day he will be going home to live with his rightful owner (Sarah) but for now, he is hanging out with us. He has a whole refrigerator to hold his food (and builder's beer, but that's another story); and he goes once a day during the summer to take a dip/swim in the river and cool off. He's on duty at night mostly, keeping the varmints away from us.
Sunny likes to cool off every day
After Sunny comes back from the river, builder usually lets us out of the pasture to get some different browse. Actually, it is time for him to start enjoying his "cold ones" as he calls them, and for us to do his work. He sits in the chair, or on the golf cart, supervising, and WE DO ALL THE WORK.
Here we all are, working hard mowing the law, while our supervisor does what he does best... supervise!
This is one of the last photos we have of my sister, Annie. Sadly, Annie had an impossible birthing experience and was suffering greatly last week, and had to be helped to the rainbow bridge. I miss her terribly. She was such a personality and such a reigning queen, she is terribly missed. Carmella may be emerging as the new queen. Time will tell.
In any event, moving on to happier notes, the first annual Blue Ridge Fiber Fest occurred and was a great success. Wench was gone a LOT in April and May, getting ready, making plans, etc., and we missed her, but hey, a wench has to do what a wench has to do, and I'm glad I didn't have to go to Sparta and represent the flerd . There were several other angora goats there so I hear, so I was off the hook. yay. That's another reason why this blog posting is so late..... good help is hard to find.
Take a look at our upcoming events. wow. busy person. not so busy goats. that's a good thing.
Our rabbit habit is getting an overhaul around here. I think the American Chins, Champagnes and New Zealand will be seriously downsized, and the angoras will become the main focus of the rabbit barn. Rabbit shows will be less prevalent and fiber shows will take over there. Wench is getting to be an old bat and she can't handle it all. I wouldn't call it semi-retired, just slowing down a little. We are hoping the dye kitchen addition won't take too long, as wench needs a new place to play. HA!
So it's been quiet around here for a few weeks..... we don't expect that to last, but it's kinda nice to relax during the heat waves that seem to be happening. Builder is spending time at the river in his new YURT; making sure the river runs correctly; wench is enjoying her new air conditioner in the house. We continue to do what we do. grow fleece for you.
As always, thanks for reading Frankly Speaking. Hopefully I'll find time to write again soon, and it won't be so long between my rantings!
so long for now!