Frankly speaking.........getting old and creaky
At almost 12 years old, I am approaching old age in the goat world. I’m not quite as spry as I used to be. It’s ok, that’s the circle of life. My fleece is not as fine, but that’s ok. Mohair is the type of fiber that is useful at every stage. Let the youngsters make the fine yarn - I’ll make rope. it’s ok.
Wench is getting older, too. About a month ago, her knee gave out and she was absolutely unable to put any weight on her leg at all. To make a long story short, arthritis if the culprit, something that comes with age - in people and in goats - so, I can relate.
This is why people of a certain age slow down some. In a first effort to make accommodations for wench, builder was kind enough to give up his first floor space for "his” rabbits, and he moved all of the 2nd and 3rd floor rabbits to the first floor. This accomplished a few things: wench agreed to feed us goats and take care of us in exchange for not having to climb stairs anymore. The golf cart (a/k/a electric scooter/chair) can come right up to the barn door, which eliminates walking the hills for her. Now she can just walk in the front door and get to work!
First floor rabbit barn before she got it organized!
Of course, with any “changing of the guard” there are changing of the ways. Wench has begun mucking stalls every day or every other day. She has also introduced straw as bedding instead of waste hay. Then she feeds us much more grain than builder did (it’s a wench thing - they always wanna feed something) and, has been adding supplements, etc. for us to our individual grain pans, according to our needs. Now, our mineral pan is put out each morning for us to enjoy, and a bucket of baking soda, too. I can see her pea brain whirring trying to figure out how to make it all more efficient. All in all, we are feeling rather pampered, getting regular pedicures and treats, and lots of hay so we will all be getting fat and sassier than usual. We love our builder, but we have that “special” relationship with wench.
Petunia loving that “New Country Organics Goat mineral with KELP!” YUM-O
Cleaned out stall! yay! now for the straw bedding (so comfy and dry)
Now that the angoras are on the first floor, the dreaded “BLOWER” is on the first floor too. This is a device used to blow the angora coats clean. The rabbits seem to like it. Wench has used it on a few of us, and guess what? it feel pretty good. The noise is scary, but I suppose we will get used to that.
Renewing wench’s obsession with poop and the removal of it, she has begun to bag up the bunny poop and sell it! people will buy anything. Anyway, it is now available for local pickup or delivery within a few miles. This is great for the garden, and does contain some wasted hay, some barn lime, all the good, organic materials that flowers love. See our listing at the Independence Farmers Market online, or shoot us an email or Facebook message, or order in the online store. Many ways to get your fresh poop. (oi vey)
Bag o Poop. Get it while its hot… those buns poop A LOT but still, supplies are limited (by the number of feed bags we empty…lol)
Apparently there is a virus going around, in the people world and the rabbit world. This has caused the cancellation of all shows both fiber and rabbit through at least the end of 2020. The result of this, at first, was a cleaner house and barn. Now, not so much. Wench has begun sewing because at first she was making masks for people, but now is making bags. Bag making a bag. It fits. Anyway, now these will also become available in the online store. Makers gotta make, I suppose.
Here I am, in all my glory, with my sidekick, Pistol Pete. This guy wants to be my best friend.
I will just grow fleece, eat and poop. It’s what I’m good at, and unlike people, I don’t have to practice to make it perfect. So thanks for reading Frankly Speaking! Hope to post again soon - shearing time is about to happen!